ChemX Materials Limited (ASX:CMX) (ChemX or the Company), an Australian high purity critical materials company and 100%-owner of the HiPurA® patented process to produce High Purity Alumina (HPA) in O’Connor, Western Australia is pleased to advise it has received its FY24 R&D Refund from the ATO.
- ChemX Receives $661,890 R&D Refund
- Radium Capital Facility Repaid
As announced to ASX on 6th September 2024, the Company obtained an advance against its expected R&D Return. The refund received extinguishes the facility taken out with Radium Capital for $442,000. After repayment of fees and charges for the facility the Company has received a surplus of $207,381. The surplus will be used towards working capital for the Company.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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